Seems like everyone is a professional makeup artist nowadays. Or at the minimum, there is always one person in every group that is able to do the makeup for everyone else. This means the whole squad heads out looking insanely good. Everyone is just winging it and super jealous.
But when it comes to glitter, you really need to know what you're doing, or you could end up looking like your mum in the 80s with glitter up to your eyebrows and weird highlighter in odd places.
Sparkly is cute. 80s disco ball is not. And let's leave all over-sparkle to the Cullen's!Practicing at home is great to help you get the basic downs, but if you aren't quite ready to take your new lookout just yet, why not try adding to your photos later. You can play around with it until it looks good, and it's easy to delete without anyone laughing at you or your mum asking if you want to borrow one of her old outfits!
Before Facetune:

After Facetune:

Here's what to do:
Step 1: Open up the photo you want to edit in Facetune.
Step 2: Use your fingers to zoom into your face. This will give you more control and precision over where you place the sparkles.
Step 3: On the bottom menu bar, select the paint option. Then choose the glitter tool.
Step 4: On the right side, you can pick which color you want to use. If you already have make-up and want to match the exact color, use the picker option to get an exact match.
Step 5: Gentle swipe your finger over the area you want to add sparkle. You can add eyeliner, lip gloss, face glitter or even use a white/pale yellow as a face highlighter. If you make a mistake, simply use the undo arrow in the bottom corner. You can even layer different colors for an extra effect.
Step 6: use the slider tool to intensify or mute the color of the glitter. This can give you a subtle glimmer or full-on sparkle. If you want to have different intensities on different areas, simply save your work using the tick to get back to the main menu, then go back in and do it all again.
Step 7: Save and upload your edited photo for everyone to see!Quick, easy and mistake-proof! Editing apps are your new best friend if you want to play around with glitter make-up without the embarrassment when it goes wrong.