28 Tuesday Hashtags To Liven Up Your Day

ransform boring Tuesdays into a fun social media day with these 17 Tuesday hashtags! From #TransformationTuesday to #TacoTuesday, get likes on your Instagram and TikTok.

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Guide to Tuesday Hashtags for Selfies

Tuesday is kind of like the middle child that nobody really pays attention to. Sorry middle children out there, but it kind of is...

On a Tuesday, you don't have the energy that you might have had to start off the week, and you're not even close to celebrating the end of the week. It's just another day on your calendar. Blah.

But wait, can we add a little pizazz to Tuesday with Tuesday hashtags to help you get likes on your Instagram and TikTok?

Oh yeah, we totally can!



Next time you're struggling with another boring Tuesday, snap a pic, use these Tuesday hashtags, and let's get a smile on your face with some likes, shall we?

1) #transformationtuesday

Everyone looooooves a good transformation pic.

Whether it just be a good glow-up or something more dramatic like weight loss, showcasing your transformation is always a winner on Instagram.

2) #tuesdaymood #tuesdayvibes  #happytuesday

If you just feel like embracing that Tuesday energy, go for it and use these hashtags.

There's no rule that says Tuesday has to be a bummer. Maybe it's your fav? Celebrate it with these hashtags.

3) #tuesdaythoughts

Got a lot of thoughts you want to get out into the world?What better way to share than with a good selfie on a Tuesday?

(yes, there's a little bit of sarcasm in there, but also, when life gives you lemons...)

4) #tacotuesday

Come on, everyone has heard of Taco Tuesday, right?

While this hashtag might require a very specific kind of day, if you're having tacos, we highly recommend cozying up with your din and snapping a pic.

5) #tuesdayshoeday

Is this a real hashtag on Instagram? You betcha it is!Shoe lovers, unite. Snapping pics of your shoes on a Tuesday is now totally a thing.

Because seriously, there's a hashtag for everybody in our books.



6) #tuesdaymotivation #tuesdayinspiration

While Monday motivation/inspiration tends to steal the show, there's no rule out there saying you can't be inspired by Tuesday.

In fact, there's no such thing as too much motivation or inspiration, so let's keep that motivation rolling into Tuesday, shall we?

7) #tuesdaytruth #tuesdaytalk

Whether you have a cause you're passionate about that you want to draw attention to, or an idea that you think more people need to be aware of, your social media accounts are an excellent platform to spread the word.

These two hashtags will help you out.

8) #tuesdayfeels #tuesdaymood

How are you feeling this Tuesday? Maybe the week is already off to a bad start and you're down in the dumps (#tuesdayblues, anyone?). Or hey, perhaps you're kicking butt and taking names. Either way, this photography hashtag has no judgment.

9) #tuesdayquotes

No matter what day of the week it is, there is always room for a quote on your feed. Plain and simple.

10) #tuesdaytips #tuesdaytip

Are you a health expert? Are you great with haircare? Maybe you're a chef extraordinaire! Whatever the case, share your expertise with the world and don't forget to throw in these Tuesday hashtags.

11) #tuesdayworkout #tuesdayrun

Every day of the week can be a workout day. But really, when in doubt about what to post on Instagram, snap a pic of your lastest gym session and hashtag it with the day of the week. Easy and instant likes.

12) #tuesdaytreat

Who doesn't love a little "treat yourself" moment? Whether it's a fresh baked good at your local bakery that you picked up, or a nice online shopping sesh in the books, treating yourself on a Tuesday sounds like a good plan to us.

13) #tusdaymorning #tuesdayevening #tuesdaynight #tuesdaynights #tuesdayafternoon

When in doubt, you can always hashtag the time of day. I mean, it's certainly not the most interesting hashtag out there, but sometimes something is simple is exactly what the doctor ordered.

14) #tongueouttuesday

Wait, what?

Let us explain this one: This is a hashtag for your DOG.

I mean, I guess you can post a pic of yourself with your tongue out, but like...maybe don't.

15) #traveltuesday

Whether you're headed on that exciting Euro trip that you've been planning for years, or you're finally taking that relaxing cruise that you've always dreamed of, sharing your travels on social media is easy, exciting, and always gets you some likes.



16) #throwbacktuesday

Most people are familiar with #ThrowbackThursday, but if waiting for Thursday is just not in the cards for you, there's no rule against posting a throwback on Tuesday.

In fact, you'll be joining 1.5 million other people, so we say go for it!

17) #tuesdayselfie

You're probably not too surprised we're ending here. Never miss the opportunity to take a selfie. Never.

And hey, while we're on the topic of selfies, don't forget to check out our full list of the best selfie hashtags. No thanks necessary.

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